Shade Lamp


A camel skin lamp is more than just a source of illumination; it’s a piece of art, a slice of history, and a symbol of the enduring bond between man, nature, and creativity.

  • Decorative Shade Lamp
  • Electric wire
  • Electric Bulb
SKU: N/A Categories: ,


The allure of the camel skin lamp lies not only in its soft, ambient glow but also in the stories it embodies from an age-old craft. Made from the delicately treated hide of camels, this lamp showcases intricate designs and patterns, hand-painted by skilled artisans. Every curve and stroke speaks of a tradition passed down through generations, reflecting regions where camels roam and where craftsmanship is revered. When lit, the camel skin becomes semi-translucent, casting a warm and inviting light, creating an atmosphere steeped in heritage and mystique. A camel skin lamp is more than just a source of illumination; it’s a piece of art, a slice of history, and a symbol of the enduring bond between man, nature, and creativity.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A



10 inch, 15 inch, 25 inch


1.1 kg, 1.35 kg, 975 g